A heated mattress pad can give you a deeper, more relaxed, sleep. The warmth radiating from under your body can help sooth any aches or pains that you may be experiencing on a cold winter’s night. Using an electric heated mattress pad will help you wake up refreshed and rejuvenated in the morning, ready for a busy day. They have many health benefits. A good night sleep is important for maintaining a healthy body. A well rested person will have a stronger immune system and be better able to resist any sickness that might be going around. Anyone who is chilled, while they are sleeping, will easily catch a cold or any other contagious airborne disease. A consistently warm bed is especially needed for the elderly, as they are very vulnerable to temperature changes.

3379788024 0f64c632ee 225x300 A Heated Mattress Pad Will Insure Good Health And Lower Heating BillsCold and damp bedding is a health hazard. Changing the bedding everyday to insure its dryness and heat retention is not possible in home situations. A heated mattress pad will guarantee the bedding is always adequately warm and dry. Dampness from normal perspiration will be dried by the radiant heat rising to the surface. The initial chilling experienced, when entering a cold bed can be eliminated by pre warming.

Economical Benefits

Continuously maintaining a warm home during winter can be expensive. The temperature control, on the central heating, can be turned down during the evenings, by using heated mattress pads. Turning down a thermostat by 6 degrees in the evenings can reduce a heating bill by 15 percent, saving hundreds of dollars. A warm bed in a cool room also gives a better sleep. A heated twin mattress pad comes with dual controls so each couple is able to select their own, comfortable temperature. This eliminates piles of blankets, unevenly placed over the bed.

An electric blanket is much less effective than a pad as heat rises. These blankets can create an effect where you are cold underneath and too warm on top. The electric blanket also uses double the amount of electricity. A pad which radiates heat from below is more economical, as well as efficient, in distributing the heat evenly around your body. The heat that is generated is retained easily by a light blanket.

These new bed warmers are high tech electrical gadgets, which will take you into the future of more efficient heating and lower fuel consumption. They are a convenient way to ensure good health and lower heating bills.

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